It Takes A Village To Change The World

Many of us are familiar with the African proverb, “it takes a village to raise a child.” The truth is, it “takes a village” to achieve just about any meaningful change in our world—from fighting disease to uniting for peace. For many years, purpose-driven organizations believed that change could result from a handful of generous […]
Read This. Save Lives.

From TOMS and Warby Parker to Naja, do-good consumerism has been all the rage. The promise: do (and feel) good while spending, eating, wearing and experiencing this too—a win-win scenario.
Branding Is More Than Image, It’s An Invitation

For many centuries, branding was a term used to describe the demarcation of property—most commonly in reference to the searing of cattle.
Mobile, Millennials and Harnessing Technology As a Force for Good

As part of the inaugural magazine and ongoing speaker’s series produced by digital experience agency, Situation, Hayley Berlent was invited to pen an opinion piece on the impact and influence of technology on cause engagement—especially among Millennials.
The Family Dinner Project Comments on Rise of Meal Delivery Start-ups

Excerpt from The New York Times: So, are these food start-ups good for the home, or yet another setback for the traditional nuclear family? Lynn Barendsen, executive director of the Family Dinner Project…
Additive Speaks to NYU Students about Brand Building

Hayley Berlent shares her perspective on brand with undergraduate NYU students.
PCI cited for its effective programs

Excerpt from NPR News: Without question, it is extremely difficult to build anything in Haiti. The land title system is archaic and almost nonexistent.
Webinar: Hayley Berlent and Elke Dochtermann of Fenton on “The New Brand Imperative”

Hayley Berlent and Elke Dochterman of Fenton Communications co-present as part of the Communications Network Webinar Series, The Brand New Imperative: It’s Not Just What You Say, It’s What You Do