Impact /

Carnegie Science

Advancing bold ideas and groundbreaking discoveries


From genomes to the cosmos, Carnegie Science pursues the biggest questions in science to transform our understanding of the universe around us. Their findings and developments benefit us all — whether discovering the universe is expanding or confirming the existence of dark matter. They engaged Additive to refresh Carnegie Science’s brand identity, to drive audience association and affiliation, and launch their next chapter.

Key Deliverables

  • Brand Research
  • Brand Strategy + Story
  • Brand Architecture
  • Visual Identity
  • Implementation Plan


Additive and Carnegie Science’s partnership began with in-depth brand research, including extensive discussions with leadership, board members, scientists, postdoctoral fellows and donors. Research revealed core themes of bold inquiry, freedom and flexibility and transformational discoveries — and these themes became the cornerstone of their brand strategy.

To clarify Carnegie Science’s story, we helped pinpoint opportunities where the institution could refine its presentation of offerings and strategic relationships. We then partnered with them to make their story as awe-inspiring as their science, crafting a comprehensive messaging toolkit and dynamic visual identity system.

With a responsive logo and vibrant color palette, both inspired by their diverse areas of scientific research, we developed comprehensive brand guidelines. Sample applications and templates helped show how the new voice and visual style worked to simplify complex ideas, connect with audiences and inspire wonder. 


In alignment with an awe-inspiring lunar eclipse in 2024, Carnegie Science unveiled its new brand and responsive logo to immediate acclaim. Additive helped equip their in-house communications team with ready-to-use tools and a brand training curriculum for a successful launch.