Impact /

Enduring Earth

Building a more sustainable, prosperous future for people and planet


To address the twin crises of climate change and biodiversity loss, leading NGOs, conservation organizations and funders came together to found Enduring Earth, which works alongside nations to establish and strengthen vast conservation areas of land, freshwater and ocean.

Enduring Earth’s founding partners include the Nature Conservancy, Pew Charitable Trusts, World Wildlife Fund and ZOMALAB, the family office of Ben and Lucy Ana Walton. With so many experienced partners, each with their own record of success and leadership, Enduring Earth engaged Additive to develop a visual identity and messaging that could draw inspiration from Enduring Earth’s founding partners while standing proudly on its own — and keeping the attention focused on its transformative impact for people and planet alike.

Key Deliverables

  • Brand Strategy
  • Brand Architecture
  • Visual Identity
  • Messaging
  • Integrated Communications Plan
  • Brand Training
  • Website
  • Video


We began by offering strategic counsel on name selection, landing on Enduring Earth as an active, urgent and results-driven expression with easy recall. We then developed a logo and visual identity system that captured the same purposeful feeling. Intentional color, font and design choices create a visual language that helps Enduring Earth stand out — while still complementing the founding partners’ logos and remaining recognizable as a conservation organization in diverse global contexts.

Alongside its partner nations, Enduring Earth uses a proven tool called Project Finance for Permanence (PFP) to amplify conservation projects. As the organization’s biggest differentiator, the PFP is complex, and needed to be distilled to key points for high-level messaging. This messaging also needed to be easily tailored and translated for a wide range of applications and target audiences — ranging from ultra-high-net-worth donors to Indigenous groups, many of whom are multilingual. Collaborating with the founding partners and refining through interactive workshops, we developed messaging to explain Enduring Earth’s approach and benefits in a concise, clear and motivating way.


In late 2021 and early 2022, Enduring Earth began to implement its visual identity and messaging in high-profile events around the world, including the COP 26 conference in Glasgow. They’ve also deployed these tools to support fundraising and grant-making opportunities that will help even more partner nations build a healthier, more prosperous future for their people — and our planet.