The Brotherhood Sister Sol (BroSis)

Challenging inequity and championing opportunity for all


For 25 years, The Brotherhood Sister Sol (BroSis) has been at the forefront of social justice, educating young people, training educators and organizing communities to challenge inequity and champion opportunity for all. As they prepared to celebrate 25 years of impact, and open their new state-of-the-art building in Harlem, they engaged Additive to help simplify their story, clarify their offerings and amplify their expressions and experiences.

Key Deliverables

  • Brand Strategy
  • Messaging Toolkit
  • Brand Architecture
  • Website Refresh


We began by speaking with nearly 50 people — from young program participants to staff to collaborators to champions — to understand the organization’s defining approach and impact. Through these conversations, as well a rigorous analysis of materials, we identified an opportunity to shift BroSis’s story from focusing on what it does for young people to what it equips young people to do for themselves. Together, the strategy and story re-centered the organization around its central purpose, which is to embolden Black and Latinx youth to claim the power of their history, identity and community to build the future they want to see.

Working closely with the BroSis team, we built out a communications toolkit, and updated the website content to reflect the refocused messaging.

In addition to messaging development, we worked with BroSis to more clearly organize and present their program portfolio. Finally, to put the messaging and brand architecture principles into action, we worked with BroSis to refresh their website, leading to an easier-to-navigate web experience that maintained all of BroSis’ legacy of achievement and decades of impact.

Our foundational brand strategy, messaging and web development work was then used as a springboard for a visual identity refresh, which was developed by Turner Duckworth.


In 2021, the new brand was successfully launched, generating significant excitement and attention across key audiences, including program participants, partners, funders and the media.