Impact /

Foster America

Driving innovation so all families can thrive


Co-founders Sherry Lachman and Marie Zemler Wu established Foster America in 2016 to cultivate the diverse leadership needed to transform systems that serve children, youth and families. As the organization grew and embarked on a new strategic planning process, they engaged Additive to clarify their evolving approach and energize their verbal and visual identity.

Key Deliverables

  • Brand Analysis
  • Brand Strategy
  • Messaging Toolkit
  • Naming + Tagline Exploration
  • Visual Identity
  • Website Refresh
  • Communications Consulting


We began by conducting a comprehensive review of the organization’s strategic materials and assessing communications from leading peers in the field. Based on this research, as well as extensive conversations with key staff, alumni and partners, we identified an opportunity for Foster America to tell a more compelling and complete story. Known primarily as a fellowship program that draws and develops talent from innovative fields to child welfare, the organization was evolving and expanding to address the full child well-being ecosystem. Working closely with the Foster America team, we developed a brand strategy and story that captured and communicated their new organizational strategy — with a focus on challenging injustice in the child welfare system and championing opportunities for children and families to thrive. 

Following the articulation of the brand strategy and story, we developed a tagline and messaging toolkit, which signaled the new strategic direction. We also developed a vibrant visual identity to reaffirm their brand strategy in an engaging and inspiring way. Finally, to put their messaging, tagline and visual identity into action, we refreshed their website, which provided a pathway for all audiences to experience their revitalized identity and engage with their transformational work.


Foster America launched their new webpage in October 2023, generating excitement around their refreshed identity, recently launched strategic plan and growing team. The webpage illuminated their unique approach and national impact, while creating a foundation for upcoming programmatic expansion.