Impact /

Spring Point Partners

Investing in transformational leaders, networks and solutions


Founded by the Berwind family in Philadelphia, Spring Point Partners had developed strength in four programmatic areas: strengths-based youth development, human-centered learning environments, animal welfare and equitable water systems. As the organization evolved and expanded, it embarked on an extensive strategic planning process to identify a path for future impact and growth rooted in shared values and collective action. To translate the strategic plan into communications and actions, Spring Point Partners engaged Additive to help unify their communications and amplify their impact.

Key Deliverables

  • Naming Consultation
  • Visual Identity
  • Messaging Toolkit


In analyzing their current initiatives and future aspirations we clarified their defining approach and codified their organizational purpose — which is that Spring Point Partners invests in transformational leaders, networks and solutions that power community change and promote justice.

To highlight how Spring Point Partners works in and with communities, we helped transform the way they communicate about their portfolio, shifting from a collection of programs to impact areas. From this reframed purpose and impact-focused architecture, we developed a messaging toolkit and a comprehensive visual identity that activated the strategy in inclusive and uplifting ways.

With the strategy, visual identity and messaging set, we worked with Spring Point Partners to launch and implement their refreshed brand with a detailed communications plan and brand training. We designed and developed a website which brought the visual identity and messaging to life while providing ample space to share achievements and insights from impact partners. We also developed a video highlighting the ways impact partners are working to strengthen communities and promote justice in Philadelphia and beyond.


Spring Point Partners showcased their new visual identity and messaging at a launch event of impact partners in May 2022, and continues to implement its visual identity and messaging on a variety of touchpoints, from social media posts to signage. Additive continues to partner with Spring Point Partners on projects ranging from a youth development toolkit to trainings for emerging and established thought leaders.

“The Additive team played an instrumental role in Spring Point Partners’ journey from relative anonymity toward a new brand strategy that reflects our values and complements our impact approach. From in-depth research and guidance to a robust website and multimedia content, they left us feeling understood, equipped, and empowered.” 

– Catherine Murphy, President, Spring Point Partners