Ruminations on ComNet15: Closing the Gap Between Promise Makers and Promise Keepers

I recently attended ComNet15 in San Diego, CA, the marquis event of the Communications Network, an association of social sector leaders from foundations, nonprofits and consulting firms across the globe.
Ruminations on ComNet15:
Closing the Gap Between Promise Makers and Promise Keepers

I recently attended ComNet15 in San Diego, CA, the marquis event of the Communications Network, an association of social sector leaders from foundations, nonprofits and consulting firms across the globe.
Additive Speaks to NYU Students about Brand Building

Hayley Berlent shares her perspective on brand with undergraduate NYU students.
Webinar: Hayley Berlent and Elke Dochtermann of Fenton on “The New Brand Imperative”

Hayley Berlent and Elke Dochterman of Fenton Communications co-present as part of the Communications Network Webinar Series, The Brand New Imperative: It’s Not Just What You Say, It’s What You Do