Anthony Bourdain, Kate Spade, and the Preventable Tragedies of Suicide

With the societal embrace of prejudice and intolerance, the isolation of modernity, the proximity of means to suicide and the lack of a social safety net — among other reasons — more people are turning to suicide as a solution to despair. Following the high-profile suicides of Anthony Bourdain and Kate Spade, the conversation around […]

New Ad Council Campaign Empowers Young Adults to ‘Seize the Awkward’

A humorous take on a serious issue, “Seize the Awkward” is breaking the silence around mental health and suicide among the youth. Ad Council, together with The Jed Foundation (JED), the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP), and Droga5, launched the campaign in an effort to encourage support and create safe spaces for teens and […]

JED on Why We Should Talk About Mental Health Now

The Jed Foundation’s Chief Medical Officer, Victor Schwartz MD, on the importance of opening conversations about mental health with young adults as they transition to college: “For so many young people and their families September is a time associated with the invigorating feeling of setting off for a new school year with renewed focus, new […]