JED on Why We Should Talk About Mental Health Now

The Jed Foundation’s Chief Medical Officer, Victor Schwartz MD, on the importance of opening conversations about mental health with young adults as they transition to college: “For so many young people and their families September is a time associated with the invigorating feeling of setting off for a new school year with renewed focus, new […]

MDA Celebrates Approval of New Treatment

Excerpt from PR Newswire (September 19, 2016): “The Muscular Dystrophy Association today celebrated news of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s decision to grant accelerated approval for eteplirsen, the first disease-modifying drug to treat the most common childhood form of muscular dystrophy. Accelerated approval of the drug, which will treat a subset of those living […]

Allergan Announces Fund to Support JED Campus

The Allergan Foundation, a U.S.-based private charitable foundation endowed by Allergan plc, today announced that it will provide a three-year, $300,000 scholarship commitment to support The Jed Foundation’s JED Campus Program.

BrightFocus Presents Awards for Alzheimer’s and Vision Disease

BrightFocus Foundation, a Maryland-based nonprofit, hosted an inaugural awards dinner on June 9 at the United States Institute of Peace in Washington, DC, celebrating some of the world’s most promising science to end Alzheimer’s disease, macular degeneration and glaucoma…

How Nonprofits Can Reclaim Their Role as Leaders of Social Change

The old industry adage says that “in a complex world, brands help us make choices.”

As tired a statement as that is, there’s still truth in it. And if we look closely at the brands we’re choosing, we can understand something about what we believe is important at a societal level.

The Wounded Warrior Project + The Case for Overhead

Approximately 40% of WWP’s budget is spent on overhead, which is significantly higher than most mission-driven organizations. While there are many reasons to criticize their allocation of financial resources, having higher overhead isn’t necessarily one of them.

MDA Unveils Revitalized Brand at Carnegie Hall

On January 29, 2016, MDA launched its revitalized brand at Carnegie Hall, a stage that has given voice and visibility to so many families affected by muscle-debilitating diseases over the years….